Wednesday, March 13, 2013

One Path to Empowered Health!

You healthpath
Recently I've added several packages for your Health wants. There are several reasons for this, the main one being Commitment. If you are already a member of the Between Heaven and Earth Family you have heard me talk about the importance of Commitment, how it has the power to change your life. If you're not a member of our family yet, but have been following the blog or perusing the many pages here then you will have got the gist of my belief in commitment. We all have conscious and unconscious commitments that have set us on the path that we tread today. Commitment gives our Potential action, it propels us to realise that which is already in us, that which is just waiting for our attention. When you take a look at your life it is made up of many tiny and sometimes large commitments. This includes the state of our Health, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. One of the areas that we don't realise that we have commitments in is the difficult situations or experiences that we have in our life at present. Let's look at your state of Health, at those areas that you are finding difficulty in. If for example you have a difficulty with your weight and you find it hard to change your eating habits to have a prolonged positive effect on the number you see on the scale. This is due to an UNCONSCIOUS COMMITMENT that you made probably many years ago, normally when you were a kid or a teenager. This unconscious commitment would be something like, I'm unconsciously committed to being overweight, or I'm unconsciously committed to denying myself health through eating unhealthy foods, or another variation. What we are experiencing in our lives is always, yes always something that we have committed to either consciously or unconsciously.
I bet you're wondering how you can change those unconscious commitments. It starts first with shedding light on them, identifying them, it takes awareness. This practise is rather easy, you look at the areas that you are dissatisfied with, challenged by and you state them as your unconscious commitments.

You have just in that moment TAKEN YOUR POWER BACK! Congratulations!

The next step...

is to then change those UNCONSCIOUS COMMITMENTS to CONSCIOUS COMMITMENTS. Take out a pen and paper, write down your newly discovered unconscious commitments and then changing them into your new, powerful conscious commitments. Taking an example from above - I'm unconsciously committed to being overweight, you take your POWER BACK and claim the conscious commitment - I'm Consciously Committed to experiencing my perfect, health body weight, I'm Consciously Committed to using food as a vehicle to Health or I'm Consciously Committed to eating the foods my body needs for it's incredible health, I think you get the idea. These two steps are your beginning to an Incredible Life. This exercise doesn't just apply to your bodies health, it applies to all aspects of life. I'll give you a more extreme example to illustrate this point. If someone who is struggling with alcohol says I'm committed to not drinking, but they are still drinking. This person is more committed to drinking then not drinking. What we are committed to, we do.

Commitment is the foundation of change!

Once you have claimed back your power by stating your new conscious commitments, then it is time to work out how you are going to support yourself in this. What are the things that are going to help you anchor this new commitment into your reality. Do you want help? Do you need to make time for a new endeavour, do you need to educate yourself, do you need support. Basically how can you set yourself up for success. This is where I, or someone like myself, a alternative practitioner, a massage therapist, a yoga teacher etc can come in. I'm here to support you in making your courageous change to Incredible Health and there are a number of practitioners that can do exactly the same thing. I'm in the job of working myself out of a job, so to speak. My goal is that you get to know yourself on a deep level, that you learn what you need to keep yourself as balanced as possible, and you know what you need to do when your balance is tipped to get yourself back on the path you have chosen. You can be your own healer, your own practitioner. I want to help you reach true empowerment, to fulfil your potential in all areas of your life.
This is why I have put together several packages for you to chose from. These packages are for those of you that want to change your Health and your Life completely. These packages are about putting into action full commitment to your health, through a partnership consisting of you and myself. Choosing a 3 month or 6 month commitment, you are telling yourself that you are worth more, you're telling yourself that you deserve to life of life of prosperity, energy and balance. We will work together weekly on mind, body, emotions and spirit. We will come up with your unique way to access all the amazing potential you have. We'll create balance through employing acupuncture to direct your body to heal it's self, we'll discover the most effective mediations, breathing techniques, visualisations that create lasting change for your peace of mind, we'll explore the inspiring ways for you to move your body for greater health and we'll employ nutritional plans that encourages your body heal from the inside out, we'll discover what foods harmonise with your system and what challenge it so everyday you can make informed decisions about what you put in your body. We'll learn how to schedule and plan in all of these beautiful changes so that you are successful and not overwhelmed. Above all of this you will once again lean what it means to nurture and love yourself, so you can be your best you, your fullest and your most alive.
Discover Your Healthpath

Click here to make those conscious commitments the path you walk on - HealthPath Packages

For February and March 2013 I'm offering all HealthPath Packages at a large discounted price. This is to help you say YES to your Incredible path that awaits you.

I look forward to seeing you in the clinic soon.
Blessings on your path, where ever it leads you.

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